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Saturday, November 28, 2009

some little watercolor outline sketches...

I've added some little watercolor outline sketches. Now, they're not really your typical watercolor-y sketches, but that's fine. One day, I promise, I'll conquer watercolors. But I s'pose until then--I'll keep tinkering...a girl has gotta start somewhere, eh?
Oh yeah, I also included TWO self-portraits. One is in graphite and the other in acrylic. I did the graphite self-portrait during art history. That's an imagined ME as Rembrandt van Rijn. It was the very first time that I've drawn a completely imagined, fairly proportional self-portrait. My friend, Kristen, suggested that I paint a large portrait of her as Henry VII, with two hunting dogs. Not a bad idea. Anyone want to play the role of patron? The other one I did late one very EXHAUSTED night. Not really diggin the acrylics like I used to, but it's what I had on hand.
I was looking at the outlined figure painting, and I'm going to make some tweaks. I'll update the blog once I've updated the piece. Au Revoir!

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